Design of Tokamak fusion reactor and development of fusion superconducting magnets
Academic background
(1979-1983) Seoul National University Nuclear Engineering (BS)
(1983-1985) Seoul National University Nuclear Engineering (MS)
(1986-1989) University of Illinois at Urbana-Chamgaign, Nuclear Engineering (Ph.D.)
Professional experience
(1990~1994) Argonne National Laboratory, Technical Staff
(1994-1996) Samsung Heavy Industries, Principal Scientist
(1996-2002) Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, Laboratory Director
(2002-2021) Korea Institute of Fusion Energy, Principal Scientist
(2014-2017) Natioanl Fusion Research Institute : President
Research keywords
Nuclear Fusion Reactor Design
Superconducting Magnet Development
Accelerator Magnet Development
Research highlights
Developed Korea Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) device superconducting magnet system
Developed International Tokamak Experimental Reactor, ITER, superconducting conductor including Nb3Sn superconducting strand
Lead the design of Korean fusion demonstration reactor, K-DEMO
Lead the development of high performance (high critical current) Nb3Sn superconducting strand for K-DEMO superconducting magnets
Lead the design of 16-Tesla superconducting conductor test facility, SUCCEX (SUperConducting Conductor EXperiment)
Lead the design and measurement of 7-GeV synchrotron radiation source, APS, magnet
Developed APS main control software, GUS
Lead the design of 1.2-GeV Industrial Synchrotron radiation source, SHIEBA (Samsung Heavy Industries Electron Beam Acceleration)
Representative publications
Keeman Kim at el., "Design concept of K-DEMO for near-term implementation," Nuclear Fusion 55
Keeman Kim at el., "Conceptual Design Study for a 16 Tesla Conductor Test Facility, SUCCEX," IEEE Trans. on Applied Superconductivity, vol 24,
Keeman Kim at el., “Design updates of magnet system for Korean fusion demonstration reactor, K-DEMO,” Fusion Engineering and Design, 149
Keeman Kim at el., "A Scaling Law for the critical current of Nb3Sn Stands Based on Strong Coupling Theory of Superconductivity," Journal of Applied Physics 99
Awards & Honors
(2008) Awards by Minister of Science and Technology for the development of KSTAR device
(2009) National Decoration by Korean Constitution for the development of ITER TF conductor
Address for submission of admission documents :
Admissions Center of the Korea Institute of Energy Technology (KENTECH), The Class 5F, 72, Ujeong-ro, Naju-si, Jeollanam-do, Republic of Korea (postal number: 58217)
Address for KENTECH :
200, Hyeoksin-ro, Naju-si, Jeollanam-do, Republic of Korea (postal number: 58330)
TEL : 061) 330-9690~4 FAX : 061) 333-9626~7
>Address for KENTECH Superconductivity Technology Center :
952-1 ~ 3 Bitgaram-dong Naju-si, Jeollanam-do, Republic of Korea
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